The Network

The network capability of Chromeleon allows you to operate the data system within local and global networks, also referred to as LAN (Local Area Network) or WAN (Wide Area Network).

Chromeleon can be operated either locally in a single-user installation or on a network. This includes data transfer and remote operation via ISDN. The Chromeleon stations can be linked around the world (Wide Area Network).

To use all advantages and possibilities provided by network operation, such as centralized data storage, backup, and administration, shared access to methods and worldwide availability, safe and fast data exchange is essential.

Sometimes, even state-of-the-art networks have difficulty coping with the enormous amount of data. That is why client/server systems provide decisive advantages by specifically selecting transferred data.

Client/Server System

On a decentralized PC (client), RPC commands (Remote Procedure Calls) are used to start sub-programs on a central computer (Server or Chromatography Server). The server performs the actual "work." For example, the server searches for data in a database or runs an application. The client only receives the search result or the status of the application. This means that the client provides the user interface while the actual operation is remotely performed on the server. Chromeleon, too, uses this "division of labor."

After starting Chromeleon on a local PC, the Client, the user can perform all server-independent tasks; for example, re-process raw data, create sequences, or search for individual spectra in a library.

If a chromatography Server is running, it is also possible to control and monitor the chromatography instruments connected to this server. Theoretically, each client connected to a running server via a Control Panel can do this. In practice, only the first client is allowed to control the instruments connected to the timebase. All other Chromeleon users can only monitor the system status.

Via device drivers, the server converts the control commands entered on the first client PC for the analytical instruments. Inversely, the server receives information from the system and forwards it to the appropriate locations. Thus, status information, such as the current flow rate, appears on all client PCs connected with this chromatography system. Raw data is automatically stored in the directory of a Datasource and the underlying database.

The installation type determines whether the client and the server are located on the same PC (local client/server installation) or on different PCs in a network (network installation). For more information, refer to:

 Local Client/Server Installation

 Network Installation